Dra Elvira Rodenas

Cosmetic medicine clinic without surgery in Madrid

Because it is possible to take 10 years off without resorting to surgery.

She has served as Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (12 years) and as President of the Association of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Medicine of the College of Physicians of Madrid (10 years).

She was a member of the accreditation committee in cosmetic and aesthetic medicine of the College of Doctors of Madrid and Barcelona.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently teaching on the Master’s Degree in Facial Aesthetic Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid and on the Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Techniques at CEU San Pablo Madrid and Fundación Vhitas.

He has been fully dedicated to this discipline for 30 years, collaborating in its development and dissemination in Spain, with his active participation in all the Scientific Societies and Congresses, both national and international, that make up this dynamic sector.


EMFACE, the ultimate anti-ageing revolution


Once again we are pioneers in facial rejuvenation techniques. We are one of the first aesthetic medicine clinics in Spain that can offer you something unique: EMFACE, by BTL.

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Our treatments



El aspecto agradable, atractivo y juvenil de un rostro, depende de la armonía entre la textura y apariencia de la piel, la flacidez cutánea y los volumenes faciales. 


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En un cuerpo armónico y juvenil, el peso debe ser el apropiado para la altura y constitución, tener los músculos tonificados, la piel sin flacidez y sin cúmulos grasos. 



El antiaging es un conjunto de medidas medicinales con las que podemos prevenir, retrasar, detener y hasta revertir el proceso de envejecimiento. 

Cosmetic medicine clinic without surgery in Madrid
Facelift without surgery in Madrid

At Dr Elvira Ródenas’ clinic we know that maintaining a balance between image and health is fundamental. That is why we offer our patients a responsible and high quality vision of non-surgical aesthetic medicine, being a reference in non-surgical facelift in Madrid.

Non-surgical treatment for incontinence

The cutting-edge procedures and minimally invasive techniques that we perform in our clinic range from the facial threads that we offer in Madrid to combat flaccidity, to a revolutionary non-surgical treatment to combat incontinence in Madrid.

Facial thread tightening in Madrid

Thanks to our experience, the guarantee of quality and medical rigour that we offer, makes it possible for us to obtain the best possible version of yourself. The trust placed in us by our clients means that we continue to grow and offer our patients treatments such as facial threads in Madrid.

We are always looking for the most advanced treatments that ensure the best results and the least invasive techniques, using the best quality products on the market to correct or improve any imperfection in the face or any part of the body. That is why we are able to affirm that it is possible to take ten years off without resorting to surgery thanks to thread lift treatment in Madrid.

We will advise you by answering all your questions, advising you on the most suitable treatments for you, offering you the safest and most effective aesthetic medicine solutions.